Sunday, April 29, 2012

18 weeks belly pic!

Hello Family and Friends!
Well, we are almost halfway there - 18 weeks pregnant!  The belly bump is growing pretty big now, and soon we'll find out whether peanut is a boy or girl :)
We have started thinking about names and nursery decorations but these things will be a lot easier once we know the sex.  More updates as they become available!
Mindy & Aaron

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

15 Weeks Belly Bump!

Dear Family and Friends,
We are a little over 15 weeks (~3.5 months) pregnant! Because Mindy is obsessed with the idea of having a huge pregnant belly, we thought we'd show her progress every so often. Despite the early stage, peanut is already making him/herself known! Today a total stranger even asked Mindy how far along she was for the first time :)
In other news, we have settled into our new place in West L.A. and so far we really love it! The area is great- there are all sorts of fun places to eat, shop, etc., and we are only a few miles from the ocean. Definitely a different world from Tucson, that's for sure!
Aaron begins his new job at HRL Laboratories in Malibu on Monday, and Mindy will begin her postdoc at UCLA in early May. We will continue to keep you updated!
Mindy and Aaron